Ce jeudi il n'y aura pas
de rencontre officielle du GBUN car une bonne partie du groupe sera à Györ, en
Hongrie, pour l'assemblée européenne de l'IFES, youhouu!
Mais voici quelques
infos qui peuvent vous intéresser, ne passez pas à côté!!! :
- le 21 avril c'est la STUDENTMANIA (journée annuelle des
GB), c'est vraiment la classe, alors si vous hésitez à venir, n'hésitez plus et
inscrivez vous! Plus d'info sur le site des GB
- le 28 avril (une semaine après),
le GBUN organise une sortie aux grottes de
Vallorbes où on invite les autres GB de Suisse romande
ainsi que les internationaux --> un bon moyen pour revoir toutes les
connaissances qu'on aura fait à la Studentmania, réservez la date!
- Voilà ci-dessous deux
extraits d'un livre que Christian nous partage suite à la soirée de jeudi passé
avec Michèle Brugnoli:
"Trust the Inner
Do you really want to be converted? Are you willing to be transformed?
Or do you keep clutching your old ways of life with one hand while with
the other you beg people to help you change?
Conversion is certainly not something you can bring about yourself. It
is not a question of willpower. You have to trust the inner voice that
shows the way. You know that inner voice. You turn to it often. But
after you have heard with clarity what you are asked to do, you start
raising questions, fabricating objections, and seeking everyone else's
opinion. Thus you become entangled in countless often contradictory
thought, feelings, and ideas and lose touch with the God in you. And you
end up dependent on all the people you have gathered around you. Only by
attending constantly to the inner voice can you be converted to a new
life of freedom and joy.
"Cry Inward"
A split between divinity and humanity has taken place in you. With your
divinely endowed center you know God's will, God's way, God's love. But
your humanity is cut off from that. Your many human needs for affection,
attention, and consolation are living apart from your divine sacred
space. Your call is to let these two parts of yourself come together
again. You have to move gradually from crying outward- crying out for
people who you think can fulfill your needs- to crying inward to the
place where you can let yourself be held and carried by God, who has
become incarnate in the humanity of those who love you in community. No
one person can fulfill all your needs. But the community can truly hold
you. The community can let you experience the fact that, beyond your
anguish, there are human hands that hold you and show you God's faithful
Ce livre est le journal qu'Henri Nouwen a écrit pendant la période la
plus difficile de sa vie. Il avait perdu son estime de soi, son énergie
de vivre et travailler, le fait de se sentir aimer et même l'espoir en
Dieu. Pendant 8 ans, Nouwen a trouvé que son journal était trop
personnel pour être publié. Au lieu, il a écrit le retour de l'enfant
prodigue. Par la suite, des amis proches l'ont persuadé de publier son
journal. (extrait de la page couverture du livre).
Nous vous souhaitons une bonne dernière semaine de cours, et souvenez-vous de la VRAIE signification de Pâques
Muriel et Laure
Do you really want to be converted? Are you willing to be transformed?
Or do you keep clutching your old ways of life with one hand while with
the other you beg people to help you change?
Conversion is certainly not something you can bring about yourself. It
is not a question of willpower. You have to trust the inner voice that
shows the way. You know that inner voice. You turn to it often. But
after you have heard with clarity what you are asked to do, you start
raising questions, fabricating objections, and seeking everyone else's
opinion. Thus you become entangled in countless often contradictory
thought, feelings, and ideas and lose touch with the God in you. And you
end up dependent on all the people you have gathered around you. Only by
attending constantly to the inner voice can you be converted to a new
life of freedom and joy.
"Cry Inward"
A split between divinity and humanity has taken place in you. With your
divinely endowed center you know God's will, God's way, God's love. But
your humanity is cut off from that. Your many human needs for affection,
attention, and consolation are living apart from your divine sacred
space. Your call is to let these two parts of yourself come together
again. You have to move gradually from crying outward- crying out for
people who you think can fulfill your needs- to crying inward to the
place where you can let yourself be held and carried by God, who has
become incarnate in the humanity of those who love you in community. No
one person can fulfill all your needs. But the community can truly hold
you. The community can let you experience the fact that, beyond your
anguish, there are human hands that hold you and show you God's faithful
Ce livre est le journal qu'Henri Nouwen a écrit pendant la période la
plus difficile de sa vie. Il avait perdu son estime de soi, son énergie
de vivre et travailler, le fait de se sentir aimer et même l'espoir en
Dieu. Pendant 8 ans, Nouwen a trouvé que son journal était trop
personnel pour être publié. Au lieu, il a écrit le retour de l'enfant
prodigue. Par la suite, des amis proches l'ont persuadé de publier son
journal. (extrait de la page couverture du livre).
Nous vous souhaitons une bonne dernière semaine de cours, et souvenez-vous de la VRAIE signification de Pâques
Muriel et Laure
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